Why we are different...

Engaging and empowering our patients...

We are passionate about engaging and empowering our patients not only in their direct care but also in the delivery of our services.

Through spending time and effort in investing in patient engagement and empowerment we have improved the experience for our patients.

We engage our patients in their services by collecting feedback using:

Patient Survey
Feedback Boards
Net Promoter Scores
Friends and Family Test
Comment, Complaints, Concerns and Compliments cards
Face to Face discussions

We empower our patients to shape and design their service through:

Patient Participation Groups
Service User Groups
Virtual PPGs
Patient Reader Group

Our patients are supported in their roles within the PPSUGs through providing training on effective meetings and in constructive criticism of our service provision or experience.

We continue to invest in our training of our PPSUGs and the mechanisms for feedback so that we can continually improve the delivery of our services and ensure each and every patient contact has the patient first.

In our community...

We are very passionate about being part of the local community, integrating our services alongside those provided by other private, independent and public bodies and, importantly, working with the voluntary and charitable sector recognising the significant part they play within the local health and social care economy. 

As a network we are in a strong position to meet the future challenges of the healthcare sector by providing integrated, collocated, and coproduced services.  The integrated and joint nature of how we work with our partners, developing positive relationships, creates fantastic opportunities for us to combine with other providers, offering seamless care, greater outcomes and effective delivery.

By being part of the community we are able to support local initiatives that can lead to improvements in our patient lifestyles, wellbeing and health or can support the development of the local health economy.

Creating social value...

We understand our responsibility to support and offer social value to our local communities and recognise that out of every pound spent with us we should be looking at creating similar value within the community. 

We believe we deliver social value in our communities through:

  • Patient Education Agenda including Support and Advice Hubs
  • Recruitment and development of volunteers programme
  • OneFuture programme
  • Community Engagement Strategy
  • Recruitment of local workforce
The key elements of these policies, strategies and programmes deliver the following social value elements in the following manner:

Making an impact

  • Delivering a volunteer scheme to provide patient education to local communities
  • Providing access to our OneFuture scheme for local voluntary, community and third sector enterprises
  • Being a responsible provider of apprenticeships; ensuring employment opportunities after the apprenticeship year
  • Developing business skills, investing resources and providing mentorship to the local health economy.
  • Providing training programmes for volunteers networks
  • Developing health and wellbeing schemes outside of our contracts. Recruitment across the local area including attracting talent into the local area
  • Engaging the community and supporting local causes and groups

Measuring our impact

  • Number of volunteers upskilled through our training programme, including using these skills for employment
  • Number of apprentices and subsequently employment offered
  • Number of and outcomes for those organisations that have accessed our OneFuture Programme
  • The outcomes achieved through our health and wellbeing programmes outside our contracts
  • Recruitment of local individuals within our services
  • The demonstrable impact and outcomes of supporting local causes and groups