We are passionate about engaging and empowering our patients not only in their direct care but also in the delivery of our services.
Through spending time and effort in investing in patient engagement and empowerment we have improved the experience for our patients.
We engage our patients in their services by collecting feedback using:
Patient Survey
Feedback Boards
Net Promoter Scores
Friends and Family Test
Comment, Complaints, Concerns and Compliments cards
Face to Face discussions
We empower our patients to shape and design their service through:
Patient Participation Groups
Service User Groups
Virtual PPGs
Patient Reader Group
Our patients are supported in their roles within the PPSUGs through providing training on effective meetings and in constructive criticism of our service provision or experience.
We continue to invest in our training of our PPSUGs and the mechanisms for feedback so that we can continually improve the delivery of our services and ensure each and every patient contact has the patient first.