
About OneFuture

The OneFuture programme was launched in April 2015 as a framework in supporting our staff and our communities.  It is about supporting innovative projects which through research have identified how they will make a difference to our health economy and have clear deliverable outcomes. 

Going beyond simply donating money to a cause, the OneFuture programme is all about engaging with projects, understanding what they want to change and how the change will make a sustainable difference in the future.  Through providing our support and guidance they need to allow them to grow and succeed whether this be financial support, resources, championing or being presented to a bigger platform.  It is about celebrating outcome driven innovation in healthcare. 

Supporting our communities

The first element of supporting our communities is about helping local project deliver what they set out to achieve and where possible providing resource to help support in its delivery.  We look at supporting project where we are already have a working relationship, however that doesn’t mean we will not look at new opportunities.  We want to support projects that look at improving the health and wellbeing of the local patient population.

There are a significant number of community groups, individual projects, charities and third sector providers doing fantastic work across the UK and as part of the OneFuture programme we want to offer resource to support these projects to be sustainable, to support our patients and to improve outcomes for the local population.

An example of this is the BME Voice Cancer Does Not Discriminate campaign, although this was supported prior to the launch of OneFuture Programme.  The principles of the support now are part of the OneFuture Programme.  We supported the BME Voice campaign as the research and findings would help us to ensure we put steps in place to increase awareness and work with our patients to show the impact of cancer and what we should be doing to consider equity of access to service. Since this we have continued to champion the findings, and through hosting mens health and womens health forums helping patients to identify with cancer and its effects.

Supporting Business Innovation

We have always challenged tradition and encourage our staff to always 'think differently'.  Through this we have been able to change our models of delivery and support other services to do similar. 

Just by doing things differently can change perceptions or improve experience.  An example of this would the the ATM machine developed by CitiBank - after identifying all the issues in queueing to access your money.  Or alternatively, we wouldn’t have the 3D model of the DNA structure of which modern medicine has really developed from if it wasn’t for Watson and Crick thinking about innovation, about change, about challenging the norm.

What have we done? We introduced the Support and Advice Hub model which looks at improving access to primary care.  We have also started investigating how patients can own their record, including how self care information can contribute to the patient record.

Most importantly 65 years ago, the NHS was launched through thinking differently, through looking at patient needs.

So our second element is about how we can support the next innovation in healthcare.  What do our patients need and who, if anyone is providing it.  If not what is the solution? We want to support this, and using the PDSA (Plan Do Study Act) we can learn, and share our learning into the wider environment.  This attitude and approach also is something we offer in supporting other organisation, projects and individuals in creating the next innovative solutions.


Leadership and advocacy

We are proud of how we support the development of Leaders across the health and social economy, and supporting those aspiring to be the next generation of directors, lead clinicians and senior managers across health, voluntary and social sectors.

As part of this we see it as part of our responsibility to support these underpinning foundations in staff development across our partners and those organisations we support.  We do this through being advocates of individuals, developing talent management and through exposing the complex agendas to these people and organisations and supporting them in navigating and delivery.

We advocate the ability of organisations, groups and charities in the work that they are doing, the change they are making and how they are facing and delivering within their business.

We have provided many of our staff with access to our own internal leadership courses which all our lead clinicians have been on.  This course is based on individual skills being showcased, and through peer to peer support developing theirselves to become world class leaders.

Alongside this we also provide the opportunity for staff to access the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) courses.  This shared learning starts to create a culture and align our staff to our vision and what we wish to achieve for our health economy.

Case Studies

OneMedicalGroup is proud to support health based causes.  We currently support the following charities:

Wellbeing of Women

Wellbeing of Women is the charity dedicated to improving the health of women and babies across the UK.

Every year they invest in special research projects and allocate funds towards the training of specialist doctors and midwives.

Established in 1964 they have enabled the major breakthroughs in obstetrics and gynaecology.


William Merritt Disabled Living Centre

WMDLC provide impartial information, advice and assessment on equipment and practical aspects of daily living for disabled people of all ages, their carers, professionals and older people in Leeds.  This centre provides excellent facilities and initiatives that support disabled people in their daily living.
